After a crazy Saturday practice session with the homie Steve (@onewheelstreet) ( with a little ice storm in between. It’s fuckin’ May, the world is going to end ???? ) we headed out to Amsterdam on Sunday to meet up with the boys Khalid (@khalidstunting), Dave (@dastunts), Paul, Tjeuke (@tjucky) and Jantje (@rustigracing) also Daan (@2stroke_daan) joined the party! We’ll say it again and again, go follow these maaad men!
Steve was first on the scene and the spot was invaded by unwanted guests aka the police. Lucky we had permission from the owner to practice there so we could just start our shenanigans!

We like to think they enjoyed the show! At least we did!

You know you got the game on lock when you’re doing a flamingo in a circle and calling your girlfriend you won’t be home in time for dinner! The man, the myth, the legend Khalid performs this without breaking a sweat!

Dave was practicing his scrapes like a madman and we were trying to capture this epic event of scraping the pavement once again. When we visited Dave at his spot we just missed it by an inch, so it was time to give it a retry.

Missed it.

And again…

Aaandd again…

We had it, we had it, we had it… Oh no we didn’t. Fucking Tjucky photobombed the shit out of it!

Perseverance always prevails! We finally captured that special moment, too bad it was his 12000th scrape of the day.. but yeah.. we suck.
We brought the stunt bike as well to practice a bit and have some fun. Just getting the hang of this stuff so nothing really interesting from our side. But it was epic to see Khalid hop on that bike and trash the shit out of it. He looked at the bike and said ‘i got to go oldskool for this son!’ and grabbed his WW2 style bucket helmet, kinda applicable as it is Liberation Day.

Steve said ‘now we’re going to see if it’s the bike or the rider’, we all know it’s definitely the rider. It was dope to see him move the bike around like that and got inspired to push even harder to get this shit down! For now just enjoying these epic shots!

Can you believe he was on this bike for like 15min? And he was doing all kinds of craziness! Here is a shot of Tycho doing some epic circles, haters gonna say it’s photoshop ????!

Enough with the silliness time to cover more sick riders! It’s always a pleasure to shoot some photo’s of Tjucky as he has a wild style. He’ll be bouncing from corner to corner, combining trick after trick, occasionally fall and don’t give a shit. He also brought his friend Daan who seems to kill it pretty hard as well!

So Daan placed a hand drag and this turned out to be the dopest shot of the day! You’ll probably see this one on the grams! Make sure to give it a like ????!

The shots just keep on coming! How gangsta does this look? Khalid coming in for the kill! With that all black helmet, black fairing and streetfighter-ish headlight!

We want to end this write-up by paying our respects to the little CRF that couldn’t. Because Steve’s heart is broken into tiny little pieces. *cue sad music* After not riding for 4 months because the CRF was down he gradually started to get used to the fact he could ride again. But the Little CRF that couldn’t decided to throw in the towel and gave a kiss to the cilinder with one of her valves. Now he and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block and replace the piston he fried (and all the shit that went kaboom with it). So lets pray for our brother @onewheelstreet.

Update: after a quick checkup the conclusion is: The engine is toast.